Friday 12 October 2012

A Mulberry Inspiration

Browsing through my local fruit market I found beautiful fresh mulberries ready to be scooped up and taken home. I new there was brioche stashed away in my freezer, so I grabbed some creamy ricotta on my way, Inspiration had taken hold, Mulberries + brioche + ricotta =French toast! 

 First to defrost the brioche while mixing up an egg, a cup of milk, vanilla extract and sugar to taste.
Next to melt a dollop of butter and fry the eggy brioche till golden...
Now comes my mulberries lightly tossed in vanilla sugar and ricotta flavoured with orange zest, vanilla extract and sugar.
Ahh..the mulberries burst in my mouth and tasted wonderful on warm buttery french toast spread with ricotta. Can't wait to see what's at the markets next week, although I still have mulberries left over I wonder what else I can whip up.
Try this for brunch on the weekend with the seasonal fruit from your local markets and let me know what you create xx

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